Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Research Paper

I have finally found a topic for my research paper!!:) I am going to do Women in Education as far as the question I would like to do..that is still up in the air. I have narrowed it down to a few and I have decided that I will do the interview and try to answer some of those questions because I feel that in a way these kind of tie in with each other. I have started to do some research and I have found some good articles. I hope I can find some more books in the library because I think with this specific topic they would be the most helpful. I am going home this weekend so I think I might go to my local library to find some things. Hopefully I can get a good start on everything in the next couple days so that when I get back from break I won't be so swamped with work. I am still extremely nervous for this paper. I hope to do well on it when it is all finished. I have also decided that I am going to take pictures throughout my process ( I'm sure there will be one of me pulling my hair out ha ha) and I am also going to do a mini diary to describe the pictures. I actually think that part of this project will be fun.:)

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Research Paper

We have just been assigned our research papers. I am becoming more and more stressed about this paper because I am not really sure what I should write about. I know it has to do with our majors, well if we want it to, so I was thinking about doing something with education because I am an education major. I was thinking about talking about women teachers and what they have to go through and what their job is like. I am going to be this person one day so I thought it would be a good topic and also helpful to me to look into what it's like to be a female in the Education Department. I know we need to interview someone and I was thinking about interviewing my TE professor. She is an excellent instructor and I think she would be able to give me a lot of information in this field.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Another Blog on My Rhetorical Analysis

So once again I am having a problem finding one more source for my paper. I have my two credited sources, but the only other ones I can find are on the internet. I am having some problems figuring out what else to use. Most of my paper is written, but I just need to add a few more things. I am also becoming a little stressed about the whole plagiarism thing. I don't want to end up plagiarizing anything in my paper, but at the same time I don't want to fill my whole paper with just quotes. I'm pretty sure so far I've done good with citing my sources and not using someone;s words with out giving them credit. Hopefully I didn't miss anything though:/

Monday, February 11, 2008

Rhetorical Analysis after Peer Review

After peer review today I noticed a lot of things about my paper that not only the person who read my paper pointed out, but things I noticed after. I think I need to put my own opinion in my paper more. I know I have a lot of facts right now, but that's really all it is. Hopefully I'll be able to get enough information to write all 6 pages of this paper. I really do like my topic though I found out after some research that it's an even bigger issue than I realized. I never knew there was problems like harrassment going on during interviews. Women really do struggle a lot in this field of work.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Rough Draft

I have been working on my rough draft for my rhetorical analysis and I see that I have a good topic, I am just having some problems finding good sources. I can find plenty of internet articles about women in sports journalism, but finding books or journals on the library website are difficult. Those journals only talk about journalism as a whole, not the topic I am writing about. Hopefully I'll be able to find some articles though.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Changing in Writing

After reading an article for class I started to think a lot about my online writing. I notice that when I write in my blog I tend to try and be more formal like it's for a grade. I want to sound more professional when I'm writing in my blog or for my writing class. On the other hand, when I write on my facebook I write like I'm having a conversation with my friends. I abbreviate words and am very informal. I think this is because the people who will see my writing on facebook are my friends and they all write in that same way. I guess people really do change the way they write depending on what type of place they're writing.