Monday, March 24, 2008

Starting the movie

Today we started our iMovies. I think this is going to be a fun project. It's a new program and a little different to work with compared to some of the other programs I've used, but it's pretty cool. I'm excited about our project and the issue we are going to be portraying. I think our issue about women sports is important to all women around campus and I think people will enjoy watching. We plan to have clips that will show women playing sports...we kind of took the idea from the Gatorade commercials that are on TV. We want to portray women as being good athletes...not just girls playing a sport and being weak. I think this project will come out good and our ideas are going to come out great. :) I am a bit nervous about time though... so hopefully we'll be able to start our filming soon.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Project!

So this week we started a new project. Instead of writing a paper we are going to be making a imovie. I'm actually excited about this...not exactly the taping part, but putting it together seems like it'll be fun. In high school I had to make a lot of power points and I always had a lot of fun doing that so maybe this will be similar to that, only a little more work and in depth of course. I think my group was thinking about doing ours on women in sports. It seems like a good idea considering this is actually an important topic. I personally don't think women get the same credit for playing sports as men do simply because..well..they're girls. If we didn't do that I think we would decide to look at a topic that is important around the world and interview women on the MSU campus about it. Either way I'm excited to start something that doesn't involve writing:)

Monday, March 17, 2008

Finally Done!:)

I would have to say I am not at all upset about being done with my research paper. It was a very stressful task and even though I am done I wasn't all that happy with my ending results. I think I had a good paper and I really worked hard on it, I'm just not to sure if it came out as well written as I would have liked. I also and a little nervous about my intro because it was all my own thoughts and words and I'm not sure if that is exactly what it was supposed to be like. I guess it's just a big weight off my shoulders to have this handed in and now out of my control.. even though that is a little nerve racking. Out next project should be a bit more enjoyable than this one so I am looking forward to starting on that.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Research Paper

I finally got my interview set up. I am actually going to be doing two interviews. One will be with my step mom who just got her degree for special education. She gave me a lot of good articles to read and it has helped me a lot in deciding what to write about. I have decided to do not only why women choose teaching, but also why most choose K-12 and not higher level teaching or a higher position like administration of being a principle. After reading these articles I see that the male population and stereotypes of women have a lot to do with that. I also am interview my TE professor. She has never taught K-12, but instead has done some higher level teaching as well as at the university. She has done some things with education and technology and computers. I think interviewing her will be good because it will give me a perspective of a women who did go into some higher level teaching instead of the norm K-12. I think I have a pretty good start and I'm feeling pretty good about my paper at this point.