Monday, March 10, 2008

Research Paper

I finally got my interview set up. I am actually going to be doing two interviews. One will be with my step mom who just got her degree for special education. She gave me a lot of good articles to read and it has helped me a lot in deciding what to write about. I have decided to do not only why women choose teaching, but also why most choose K-12 and not higher level teaching or a higher position like administration of being a principle. After reading these articles I see that the male population and stereotypes of women have a lot to do with that. I also am interview my TE professor. She has never taught K-12, but instead has done some higher level teaching as well as at the university. She has done some things with education and technology and computers. I think interviewing her will be good because it will give me a perspective of a women who did go into some higher level teaching instead of the norm K-12. I think I have a pretty good start and I'm feeling pretty good about my paper at this point.

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