Wednesday, March 19, 2008

New Project!

So this week we started a new project. Instead of writing a paper we are going to be making a imovie. I'm actually excited about this...not exactly the taping part, but putting it together seems like it'll be fun. In high school I had to make a lot of power points and I always had a lot of fun doing that so maybe this will be similar to that, only a little more work and in depth of course. I think my group was thinking about doing ours on women in sports. It seems like a good idea considering this is actually an important topic. I personally don't think women get the same credit for playing sports as men do simply because..well..they're girls. If we didn't do that I think we would decide to look at a topic that is important around the world and interview women on the MSU campus about it. Either way I'm excited to start something that doesn't involve writing:)

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