Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Good day

Today we are watching presentations. I am very excited to see some of the movies and what people did. I love watching movies like this and it will be very interesting for me. I am a little nervous about presenting our movie. I've never been very good at speaking in front of people so it might be difficult for me to stand up and talk about my process. I do think we have a really good print document though. I like the look and we made some changes to it so it's even better now.

P.S It's a good day because I just found out I 4 pointed my TE class:)

Monday, April 21, 2008

One week

There is only one week left of classes, that means our final presentations are approaching. I really am not nervous at all about doing these. I know what my process was for this movie and what I thought while doing it so writing a reflection on that shouldn't be too difficult. I am also feeling good about our print document. We made it this weekend and I think it looks really good. I'm excited to present out movie and also to see everyone Else's projects. I am also excited for school to be done. :) It's been SO nice outside it's hard to sit in a classroom when the sun is shining and it's 70 degree weather. I am not scared at all about my final grade in this class either, I worked really hard and I am glad I got to do a project like the iMovie because it taught me a lot about writing and how to use a program like that.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I guess I'm not really sure what to write about today. We are going to start finishing our final project of the semester and I am so glad. I am very ready for school to be done and for summer vacation to be here. I really am not too worried about our final project I think we'll do a good job on our flier... I think that's what we decided to make. I don't think it'll take us too long to do. I like making these types of things on the computer so this won't be a project I mind doing. Sometimes I do tend to go overboard on the designs, I think I just see so many things I like I want to put them all on one piece of paper:) I really hope we did well on our Movie and that the final presentation will go well. I am hoping for a 4.0 in this class so doing well on both those projects would really help my grade.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Today is the day we are doing our power point presentations. I think I may have written too much on my slides..but it was the only way I could figure out how to get all the information on there. Especially exactly how I felt during my process. Hopefully it will be alright:/ We are also going to start doing some things with our print documents for our final presentations on our videos. I think this should go well because it is basically us talking about what we went through to do our projects and make our movies. There were some really fun parts about this and also some difficult steps. I am excited to see everyones movies though, from the topics that some people had I think they should be really cool to watch. I just hope I don't get too nervous talking in front of everyone.

Monday, April 7, 2008


We just finished our digital movie and I am really happy with the results of our movie. This was defiantly a new experience for me and I thought ti was really fun to do something different besides just writing a paper. I got to use iMovie something I had never worked with before and I really enjoyed that. I actually learned a lot in just two weeks by doing this project. Our movie was about Women Sports on the MSU Campus. Our goal was to show people that women sports are just as important and competitive and exciting as the male sports. I think we did a really good job of this. We used mostly still shots and showed statistics, but I think that worked. I think the thing I was most excited about was the music, I love music and I think it really brings together any type of movie. In my opinion without music movies or commercials wouldn't have even close to the same effect. I am glad to be done with this project though because it was a bit stressful, but all in all it was a great experience.