Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I guess I'm not really sure what to write about today. We are going to start finishing our final project of the semester and I am so glad. I am very ready for school to be done and for summer vacation to be here. I really am not too worried about our final project I think we'll do a good job on our flier... I think that's what we decided to make. I don't think it'll take us too long to do. I like making these types of things on the computer so this won't be a project I mind doing. Sometimes I do tend to go overboard on the designs, I think I just see so many things I like I want to put them all on one piece of paper:) I really hope we did well on our Movie and that the final presentation will go well. I am hoping for a 4.0 in this class so doing well on both those projects would really help my grade.

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