Monday, April 7, 2008


We just finished our digital movie and I am really happy with the results of our movie. This was defiantly a new experience for me and I thought ti was really fun to do something different besides just writing a paper. I got to use iMovie something I had never worked with before and I really enjoyed that. I actually learned a lot in just two weeks by doing this project. Our movie was about Women Sports on the MSU Campus. Our goal was to show people that women sports are just as important and competitive and exciting as the male sports. I think we did a really good job of this. We used mostly still shots and showed statistics, but I think that worked. I think the thing I was most excited about was the music, I love music and I think it really brings together any type of movie. In my opinion without music movies or commercials wouldn't have even close to the same effect. I am glad to be done with this project though because it was a bit stressful, but all in all it was a great experience.

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